Where are you based?

We are in North Shields, easily accessible from Newcastle, Sunderland, Northumberland, South Shields and County Durham. Our address is; APEX ACADEMY Unit 32 Mandale Park North Shields NE29 7FN

Do you work with secondary schools?

Our aim is to develop and support the delivery of PE in schools, mainly in primary schools whilst also offering wider services to students of secondary age.

What age children is Apex Academy suitable for?

We start from 18 months with early movers sessions and have group and one-to-one sessions available to children of all ages.

Where are sessions based?

Our sessions are conducted in our sports centre in North Shields, beside the Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate. Our address is; APEX ACADEMY Unit 32 Mandale Park North Shields NE29 7FN

How do I book

You can submit an enquiry on our contact form to book or you can send us an email info@apex-academy.co.uk

Contact Us

Can I book to use the gym only?

Yes, you can use the gym as a one-off session or we offer a gym-only membership only. A one-off session is £10 and monthly membership is £30.

How much does it cost for a session?

Our prices vary depending on the services you require. We have different options available which can be tailored to your needs.

Is there parking?

Yes we have parking out front and there is overflow visitor parking as you arrive on the Industrial Estate.

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Join Our Apex Academy Strength & Conditioning Gym

Looking for the perfect strength and conditioning gym in your local area? Apex Academy is the place to be.

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Alex is an ex professional footballer who also represented Wales at international level from U16’s to U21’s.

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